COVID-19 Safety Measures At Your Home Move 

We are still able to work and help facilitate house moves and we are also operating our decluttering and sorting service as normal and have altered our ways of working during the pandemic to keep our clients and staff safe.

When indoors:

  • we wear disposable masks and gloves at all times 
  • we maintain social distancing wherever possible
  • we ensure there is as much ventilation in rooms as possible 

What we ask of our clients:

  • Please wear a face mask if you have one (or we can provide one for you)
  • Ventilate the rooms as much as possible 
  • Notify us if you are feeling unwell or anyone you live with is unwell or self-isolating. Please cancel the appointment if this is the case.

If you have any concerns or would like to discuss anything with us, please do not hesitate to get in touch.